44th Annual 'Keeping the Dream Alive' Assembly
Friday, January 12, 2024
City Honors School at Fosdick-Masten Park
The students of City Honors School present the 44th annual "Keeping the Dream Alive" assembly at 9:00AM Friday, January 12, 2024.
Our students will express their vision of the ideals of a just and egalitarian society through presentations of poetry, dance, speech, music, attire, and visual art.
The 'Keeping the Dream Alive' assembly takes its name from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s iconic speech. It has been reserved as a day of collective remembrance, contemplation, discussion and celebration at City Honors School since its inception in 1981 (two years before the federal declaration of the MLK holiday). The Keeping the Dream Alive Assembly was founded by Mrs. Irene Taylor McVay, a City Honors teacher assistant for 42 years. As a high school student in Virginia, Mrs. McVay directly contributed to events of national historic significance at the dawn of the modern civil rights era.
Posted 1 year ago