Boys Varsity Baseball |
Spring | |
Boys JV Baseball |
Spring |
Girls Varsity Basketball |
Winter | |
Boys Varsity Basketball |
Winter | |
Girls JV Basketball |
Winter | |
Boys JV Basketball |
Winter | |
Varsity Coed Unified Basketball Team |
Spring |
Coed Unified Bowling |
Winter | |
Coed Varsity Bowling |
Winter |
Coed Cheer Team |
Winter |
Coed Varsity Cross Country |
Fall | |
Coed Middle School (Grades 5-8) Cross Country |
Fall |
FootballStudents play on Hutch Tech's football team |
Fall |
Girls Grades 6-8 Flag Football at School #6 |
Fall | |
Boys Grades 6-8 Flag Football at School #6 |
Fall | |
Girls Varsity Flag Football |
Spring |
Coed Varsity Golf |
Fall |
Girls Varsity Lacrosseall BPS team |
Spring | |
Boys Varsity Lacrosseall BPS team |
Spring | |
Girls JV Lacrosseall BPS team |
Spring | |
Boys JV Lacrosseall BPS team |
Spring |
Girls Varsity Soccer |
Fall | |
Boys Varsity Soccer |
Fall | |
Girls JV Soccer |
Fall | |
Boys JV Soccer |
Fall | |
Girls Modified (Grades 7-8) Soccer |
Spring | |
Boys Modified (Grades 7-8) Soccer |
Spring | |
*Grades 5-8 Soccer |
Fall |
Girls Varsity Softball |
Spring |
Girls Varsity Swimming |
Fall | |
Boys Varsity Swimming |
Winter | |
Coed Middle School (Grades 5-8) Swim Team |
Winter |
Girls Varsity Tennis |
Fall | |
Boys Varsity Tennis |
Spring |
Girls Varsity Track & Field |
Spring | |
Boys Varsity Track & Field |
Spring | |
Girls Middle School (Grades 5-8) TrackBAVPA/City Honors team - at BAVPA |
Spring | |
Boys Middle School (Grades 5-8) TrackBAVPA/City Honors team - at BAVPA |
Spring | |
Coed JV/Varsity Indoor TrackCombined with Olmsted #156 |
Winter |
Girls Varsity Volleyball |
Fall | |
Boys Varsity Volleyball |
Fall | |
Girls JV Volleyball |
Fall | |
Boys JV Volleyball |
Fall |
Coed Varsity Wrestling |
Winter | |
Coed Modified Wrestling |
Winter |
* Denotes team organized through the generosity of parents, volunteers, or alumni and not by, or officially affiliated with, the Buffalo Public Schools.